Excel Essentials Nirvana Challenge

Only 15 minutes a day for 10 days

Excel Essentials Nirvana Challenge

Only 15 minutes a day for 10 days

 Excel Essentials Challenge BETA


Normally $197 - but FREE for this Beta Group Only!

This Challenge is for people who are currently using Excel and know they are not as efficient or productive as they could be. 
This Challenge is not for people who have never used Excel - we assume you have some basic knowledge of Excel.

Here's What People Are Saying About This BETA Challenge

  • WOW Janet!! So clear, every step of the way!!! 
  • This is paced perfectly. I am learning new methods to things I took for granted and new information.
  • I don't think anyone should attempt to use Excel without doing these courses. I am only on the third lesson and can't believe the things I never knew excel could do!!
  • ​This is a great lesson! My team really can use this information to better understand how information can be sorted. Removing Blank Rows!!! Game changer, this is great to know.
  • ​All of this information is so great! I always knew there had to be faster ways to utilize excel. Now I am learning what those faster ways are.
  • ​I love the length of each of the lessons. They are broken down into very digestible segments.
  • ​I can't express enough how much I am enjoying and learning from this challenge!!!
The Excel Essentials Challenge covers all of the Excel features and commands that everyone should know, but most people don't - and you won't need to spend days in boring software classes.

We've designed self-paced Nirvana videos specifically for business. In just 15 minutes a day for 10 days, you'll learn the core concepts and commands needed to use Excel effectively and efficiently to your advantage.

Since Excel is slightly different on the MAC than the PC, we've created a PC version and a MAC version so you can pick the challenge that is best for you.

Just 15 minutes a day for 10 days

New Challenge Coming Soon! Stay Tuned.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Challenge Details

In just 15 minutes a day for 10 days, you'll know more than most Excel users.
Here's what you'll learn:
Day 1: Introduction to Formulas and Formatting numbers.
Day 2: Introduction to commonly used Functions.
Day 3: Work with Named Ranges and writing formulas using Absolute and Relative cell references.
Day 4: Conditional Formatting to highlight and/or display your data in a variety of formats.
Day 5: Editing tips that make you save time.
Day 6: Faster ways to create spreadsheets.
Day 7: Cut, Copy, Paste tricks and Paste Special shortcuts.
Day 8: Customizing Excel to work for you.
Day 9: Printing tips: headers and footers and other formatting tricks.
Day 10: Introduction to macros to automate processes and save you time.
Bonus Videos: Little known secrets to save even more time.

Get all this for Only $197
FREE for being a Beta Tester

Here's what you get: 
  • Challenge videos
  • Digital journal to record timesaving tips 
  • ​Step-by-step workbook exercises
  • ​Downloadable class files 
  • ​Keyboard shortcuts
  • ​Ability to ask questions
The video lessons use Microsoft 365 Excel desktop version.
Access for 21 days 
Challenge will be available to you for
21 days your registration date.
Each day has a short quiz to help you retain the valuable information you learned. Attain a passing score of 70% or higher and you'll move to the next day's content.

Upon Completion of the Challenge

You'll receive a
Certificate of Achievement
so you can proudly exclaim you are an

 Excel Essentials Guru!

Terms For Beta Testers

This Challenge is for people who are currently using Excel and know they are not as efficient or productive as they could be. 
This Challenge is not for people who have never used Excel - we assume you have some basic knowledge of Excel.
As a Beta Tester for our Excel Essentials Nirvana Challenge, you agree to attend one of the four Zoom feedback sessions listed below. We want you to be completely honest with your feedback regarding the challenge.
Of course, we love to hear what you like, but we also want to hear any suggestions on how to improve the challenge.

Select Your Feedback Session

Click below to select your Beta Feedback Session

Select Your Challenge Type

Click below to select the PC or MAC Challenge

Your Contact Information

We promise we will not spam you 😊
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Will only be used if we need to contact you regarding the Beta challenge.